50/50: Ridley Scott

So with my excitement for Prometheus reaching a fever pitch as the ominous date June 8th inches closer and closer, I decided to do a new article series for directors, with me ranking their 5 best and 5 worst movies.  All my opinion mind you, but I like the idea of analyzing the best of what he has done to the worse of what he has put out.  Now I realize that this is subjective and to that I say, “My Blog, My Rules”.  So if you feel slighted that White Squall didn’t make the cut, spoiler…it didn’t, then feel free to voice your criticism.  It was hard enough to pick just 5 winners and 5 losers, but I think I did a good enough job picking a variety of films that span the entirety of his career.  So below is a mixed list of winners and loser, more so the compliment sandwich of presenting a winner and then a loser and then another winner.  It lessens the disappointment.

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